Yesterday I was once again - and many times over - reminded that we are children of a Heavenly Father. He loves us in a similar, yet even better way, than our parents. Not only loves us, but knows us intimately, and He works in ways to help us in every aspect of our lives.
I was taught how true are President Spencer W. Kimball's words that, “God does notice us, and he watches over us. But it is usually through another person that he meets our needs." Sometimes that person walks here on earth - our coworker, our neighbor, our friend. Sometimes that person is the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of God that touches us so subtly that we consider the thoughts that come from Him as our own.
Let me `splain...
I recently got a new job. With new hires, they usually restrict time off, so I was really nervous at the prospect of telling them I need to take off two weeks. With the demands and restrictions of my job, when was I to find time to speak with my supervisors? I’d have to find someone to cover me just to tell them I need someone to cover me! Then out of nowhere, my boss came up to ask if I needed any time off. "Actually... I do!" Coincidence? Well, since I’m not known to project my thoughts into others’ heads, I think not. Shortly after, my new work friend came up to see if I needed a break. “In fact, yes I do! Then I can talk to my other supervisors.” It was amazing.
That evening at home, I decided on a whim that I was going to finish installing that new food storage rotation system. It’s just a simple little one I can fit in our closet pantry. No big deal. But wait. Why is the carpet wet here? Oh. Well. It just so happens one container was recently punctured and we’d lost 2/3rds of a gallon of water. Into the now-soaked-through carpet. Had I not been inspired to retreat to the pantry, we wouldn’t have discovered that little gem until the carpet was moldy and smelly and needed replacing (which we certainly can't afford to do!).
Even later that night, our friend dropped by and asked to take an exam online. He has a computer at his own home, but decided to do it our place. He and I are in the same class, and I NEVER would’ve remembered that I had an assignment due in that class by the end of the night! If he hadn’t taken his test at our house, I would’ve gone to bed, not submitted an assignment, and probably failed the class. But he didn’t. And so I didn’t. (At least not by missing an assignment!)
Even later that night, our friend dropped by and asked to take an exam online. He has a computer at his own home, but decided to do it our place. He and I are in the same class, and I NEVER would’ve remembered that I had an assignment due in that class by the end of the night! If he hadn’t taken his test at our house, I would’ve gone to bed, not submitted an assignment, and probably failed the class. But he didn’t. And so I didn’t. (At least not by missing an assignment!)
Sure, these things seem small, but that’s the beauty of it. God knows that, to me, these things are important. And He knows enough and cares enough about me to help me with them as needed. I guarantee that on your worst days, if you look for it, you’ll see that He knows and loves you just as much. He will help us as much as we allow.
"...I would that ye should remember, that as much as ye shall put your trust in God even so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials, and your troubles, and your afflictions, and ye shall be lifted up at the last day." - Alma 38:5
"...I would that ye should remember, that as much as ye shall put your trust in God even so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials, and your troubles, and your afflictions, and ye shall be lifted up at the last day." - Alma 38:5
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